This is my passion – and it runs through all activities of my consultancy. The power of coaching lies in the person choosing for themselves how they will change an approach, an action or a behaviour. And, with that shift of control, comes commitment, engagement, motivation – all those magical words that people hope for in their work.

I have three roles as a coach:

1) a probing and challenging listener who dares to ask the questions others won't; and who provides protected space and time to develop constructive thinking

2) a reflective resource and sounding board who brings 15 years of experience in the Leadership Development arena; and who enables people to see things from a different perspective

3) a supportive observer who will offer feedback and maintain a focus when the way forward gets blurred.

All of this means that although my clients come from a variety of backgrounds with a range of challenges, they all leave being able to work around the obstacles that had been blocking their way.

And that's what I love about what I do – enabling people to find a tangible way forward in their change journey.

Having graduated from the Meyler Campbell School of Coaching Business Coach program, London UK (accredited by the WABC) I am also qualified to use range of psychometric assessments. I bring these into my coaching when I sense they add value to the coachee's experience.

Contact Philippa Chapman here to find out more...
This is what my clients say:
"A flexible but challenging one on one approach with a basis of theory but explored in real life actual situations"
"Philippa's approach to coaching is one that provides maximum value to the recipient. She employs all of the traditional coaching techniques to help you discover yourself but is capable of grounding it in the very practical"
"I found Philippa was very able to compliment a traditional coaching style with very grounded, practical tools, insights and approaches that really help you work through the issues."
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